Well, that's only partially true. It wasn't found in an attic, but instead a basement. How do I know ? Simple; I was the one who found it. Here's the whole (long) story.
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Ralph Gleason with the Beatles, backstage at Candlestick Park |
Gleason kept a vast archive of records, magazines, newspapers, posters, press materials and all kinds of ephemera. When he died in 1975, his family preserved his materials in their Berkeley home, occasionally making it available to writers and scholars. Toby Gleason has supervised the release of a number of the superb television programs his father made during his lifetime, including the highly lauded Jazz Casual programs (featuring John Coltrane and Duke Ellington) and Bob Dylan's historic 1965 San Francisco press conference.
The Gleason family decided a few years back they wanted to selectively sell some items from Ralph's vast archive, and I was very fortunate to be invited by them to discuss a possible purchase. They wanted to take it slowly, but we had good chemistry, and so I made an initial purchase, with the understanding that more would be made available as time passed. Every year or so, I'd visit them and make another purchase. Gleason's collection was among the best I'd ever seen, and it was a real exercise in forbearance to be patient and respect their wishes to take it slowly--but I did. Toby Gleason is extremely knowledgeable and it was a pleasure to spend time with him, talking music and seeing the incredible history his father had collected, and his family had the good sense to preserve. Many of the magazines, newspapers, and papers they had saved had little commercial value, but a great deal of historical significance, and so I purchased them to donate to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame's Archive and Library (opening later this year.)
Unfortunately Jean Gleason, Ralph's widow, became ill last year and passed away at the age of 90. After her death, a decision was made to sell the family home, and I was invited up to buy anything that I wanted. For two or three days, Toby and I explored the deep recesses of the home's multi-room basement, which was filled with magazines, records, newspapers and reel to reel tapes. When we came to the wall of tapes, we discovered many labeled "Bob Dylan." Gleason had been one of Dylan's early and most vocal supporters, and became close to him. He also had a number of friends at Dylan's label, Columbia Records (I found letters to Gleason from Dylan's discoverer, John Hammond, among his papers.) Looking at the 40 or so Dylan tapes in the Gleason collection, it was clear some were sent to him by Columbia, some by Dylan's management, and some from fans and readers of Gleason. Many were explicitly labeled, some only said "Dylan." Toby and I agreed that since we didn't know what was on them, I'd take them back to Los Angeles and listen, to see out what was on each one (I also bought 30 or so non-Dylan tapes from the family.)
In this house's basement, the tape was found ! |
I called Jeff Rosen in Dylan's office, to see if he knew of the tape--he didn't, but was interested in hearing it. Jeff is someone all Dylan fans owe a big debt of gratitude to--among many other things, he's responsible for the superb Bootleg Series, which in my opinion are the best compiled, annotated and illustrated albums a fan could hope for. Very quickly, I spoke to Toby Gleason, sent Jeff a CDR of the show, and he responded that he was interested in buying it for a possible future release. I worked out a deal with Jeff--very easy--and voila, about a year later, it's coming out.
I'm very excited about the upcoming Witmark Demos/Bootleg Series album and the Mono Box Set, to be sure. But I'm absolutely thrilled that this great Dylan show--which I'm listening to right now--is finally seeing the light of day, thanks to Ralph J. Gleason, and his family.
Jeff Gold
Other items from the Ralph J. Gleason collection are available for sale on the Recordmecca website. And we're always looking to purchase rare records and high-end music collectibles.
That is nice Jeff! Fascinating! I wish i could have been there, at Gleason's house...lucky you my friend! All best, Nuno
What a great story. I love these tales of unexpected discoveries of great music like this. The story about the guy finding that lost Velvet Underground acetate in a yard sale for 75 cents is perhaps the ultimate, but this is right up there. Who knows what else lurks in various basements, attics and vaults? I can't wait to discover them... as they are discovered!
As a Dylan freak, of course I will have to have this... I just hope it's not actually an "online only" option because I'm a physical media kind of guy, especially vinyl.
Thanks for the great story.
And the Austin '66 press conference??? That's almost as interesting! More details please!
WOW-Congratulations Jeff. What a great story-What a superb find.
Talk about being a "musical expeditionary."
I wonder if this will ever be released on its own as not everyone can afford the mono bootlegs.
I've been loving Bob since the early days and though, due to financial inability I barely get to go to his concerts I do try to get the music when it comes out- but these big ticket items are way (way, way, way...) out of my reach
Shouldn't there be Senior Citizen/fixed income/below poverty level discounts?
I've been suggesting a "Bring or Send a Senior to Dylan Concerts" fund- but no takers.
I don't get it.
(Being facetious of course--- ahem- sort of.)
It's great to know the story behind these bootlegs we hear - thanks for sharing, and thanks for the work that went into getting this out there.
Can't wait to hear it. Wonderful stuff.
Hello Jeff ,
Very good story indeed. I see you had great time this day.
Bob Dylan is a classic but still one of my favourite singer.
I came across your website searching for the commercial value of music. I found your resource interesting and definitively educational on the way music works on us.
I'll definitively come back to your website recordmecca.blogspot.com. Keep on Blogging, It's great.
Hi Jeff - Kelly Gleason here, Jean (and Ralph's) grandson. Thanks for the great story. The house on Spruce Street - and especially the basement - was an endless source of adventure and mystery for all of Jean and Ralph's grandchildren, and I'm so happy that you got to experience that same exhilaration of exploring the unknown. That it turned out something that can be shared with others is great.
Thanks for your delicate touch and for being such a trustworthy buyer - not an everyday occurrence in this business.
Congratulations, Jeff.
I don't know anyone who works as hard at this sort of thing as you do. Add in your tremendous amount of knowledge, experience and integrity and maybe it's not all that surprising that you turn up such great things...
Thanks for what you do. This is a gift to Bob fans everywhere, and I can't wait to hear it. I'm proud to call you my friend!
Congratulations on your fantastic discovery Jeff!
I'm loving it.... like all the goodies I purchase from your fine recordmecca site.
Bask in the glory buddy!
Best on ya,
Bruce M.
Congratulations Jeff on your fantastic latest Dylan discovery. I'm loving it.... like all the rare goodies I have obtained from your recordmecca web site.
Bruce M.
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